Ask a customer

Ask a customer

If you would like the ultimate independent view of your website, why not try asking some of your customers, new and existing, what they would expect to see on your website. Often it is a surprise to find out the difference between what you think you need to tell them and what they actually want.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. You are great at running your business, but writing the content of your site is one of the hardest things you can do. It is so important to get right. You do not want to put in too much information, but neither do you want to leave out crucial key points.

Sometimes you can have so much knowledge about your own business that you do not realise that not everyone has your knowledge. This is where asking for a quick review of your proposed content can help.

You should never be afraid of showing customers ideas you have about marketing your business. They are the ultimate consumer of this information so you need to tailor it to educate them as to what your business can offer. Establishing a customer feedback loop in your selling and client management process makes sense as it allows you to get feedback from the very people you are wanting to sell to.

If you need help, please ask, we can give you more guidance and can help you to avoid the simple mistakes that are made in website content. The most important thing to remember is your 'Calls to action' within the content.