Contact Page

Contact Page

There are generally three elements on the Contact page

1. The Form
2. Contact Details
3. The Location Map

The Form
Even though the form on your contact page is self-editable we suggest that if you want to change the questions that you ask us to do so. We will do this free of charge and then test that it is fully functional. We have had instances in the past where clients have edited their own forms, not tested they are working and as a result have missed out on business as the form wasn’t functioning correctly due to their error.

Contact Details
These are generally editable in the text tags in the Contact Page on the Page of Pages.

The Map
We will set the map up as part of the website construction process. If for whatever reason you have a need to edit the map you need to go to WEBSITE –> MAPS –> VIEW LOCATION MAP and click on the title of the map.

If you now change the address the map will change on your website. Please note, even though Google Maps is good, it is not 100% accurate, so the pin showing your location on the map is not always going to be exactly on top of your address. There is little any of us can do about this. If you want an accurate graphic of a map, please talk to the staff at W3. We are able to prepare one for you.