

It is time to take control and take a few simple actions every month to ensure your site and marketing is up to date and effective. It isn't rocket science, but it does take time.

Step one - You are busy!

Accept you cannot do it all instantly and your website is never going to be 'finished'. Like home maintenance, you can’t do it all in one day. You need to identify the most important areas that you should work on first. These should be (in order) Contact Information, Products/Services, Staff, Testimonials and then other Areas.

Step two – Regular activity

Now that you have worked out what needs to be done; you need to do it. Plan for your changes and allocate some time each week (it need only be half an hour). In this time all you do is look after the website. Eventually, your site will be up to date and the time can be used to improve and develop its effectiveness as a marketing tool. As with all aspects of your site, please do not hesitate to call us for help and advice.

Step three – Look over the fence!

Always keep an eye on what your competitors are doing. This only need take 30 minutes a week, but you need to be aware of how your competitors are also talking to your potential clients.

Step four – Keep it up!

Like anything, you need to keep the momentum up. The time you allocate each week cannot be eroded by ‘life’, that is why you are where you are at now. Put it in your diary to remind you each week or fortnight. By doing small things regularly you will be able to keep your site up to date and effective.

Step five – REBOOT – RETHINK !

One suggestion I often make to clients if they haven’t updated their website for a while is to think about it in a radically different way. Without looking at your existing website try to imagine what kind of website potential customers for your products and services would want to see should they be on your site. We did this exercise ourselves when we felt it was time to revamp our website, which has meant that our site is radically different to other companies in our industry.

By working out why people are coming to the site, and what they want to know, you can revitalise your site in a more customer-focused way. You will find customers react positively if you make it easy for them to find out information.