The Home Page

The Home Page

The home page of your website is obviously very important. It must portray your business and what you do almost instantly to the viewer.

We advise that the Home page is seen as being like the cover of a magazine. By looking at the content of a cover you can decide if you want to go inside and read more, the same is true of your website Home page.

To help with this summarization of your business there are various elements on the home page that used to guide the viewer to the next page that is relevant to them.

image Rotator
This allows the showing of 3-5 images that can be used to make a big impact on the home page, and steer the viewer to the most important parts of the website.

Image Boxes
These are images and text that can be used to guide the viewer to the most important pages or sections of the website

Company Introduction
This is a short summary of the passion and drive that your company has to fulfil client needs. It needs to be brief and to the point. It is often linked to the About IUs page for the viewer to get more information about the company's driving ambitions.

Click on the links below for details about editing the various elements of the Home Page.